Bruxism Treatment in Perth

Treat your bruxism with the latest in dental technology. Get the relief you deserve at Maylands Dental Centre.

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Get Relief From Chronic Teeth Grinding with Bruxism Treatment

Bruxism disorder occurs when you grind and clench your teeth. This condition can cause pain and tooth damage.

Many people don’t even realise they have bruxism until it’s too late and they’ve already done some damage to their teeth. The grinding of teeth can cause various dental problems, such as tooth decay, enamel erosion, and gum disease.

In most cases, bruxism is treated in an attempt to limit further damage caused by teeth grinding. Our team at Maylands Dental Centre offers several effective treatment options that can help alleviate the pain and damage caused by bruxism. These treatments for bruxism include mouth guards or occlusal splints, orthodontic therapy, and dental crowns. Our dentists will discuss all the dental treatment options available during your consultation, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today at 08 9370 5464 to book an appointment. We will work with you to find the best solution for your needs.

Reasons Why You Would Need a Bruxism Treatment

Bruxism is not usually harmful, but when it occurs on a regular basis, it can lead to damaged teeth and cause other oral and overall health complications. The following reasons may help you understand why you need bruxism treatment:
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Why Us

Why Choose
Maylands Dental Centre

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State-of-the-Art Equipment

Our focus is on providing high-quality dentistry using state-of-the-art equipment and technology. This allows us to deliver affordable dental care and excellent results with minimal discomfort or pain for our patients.

Experienced Dentists and
Friendly Team Of Dentists

At Maylands Dental Centre, we’re dedicated to providing the best dental care possible. Our team of highly experienced dentists is committed to providing you with the highest level of quality care at affordable prices.
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We Accept All Healthfunds
And Popular Payment Plan Options

Our dental practice accepts all health funds and has preferred status with HBF, HCF, NIB,, and CBHS. Using HICAPS, we can efficiently process claims on-site.

We accept all health
funds, and are
preferred providers.

We’re committed to providing the best possible care for all of our patients no matter their health insurance provider. We accept all healthfund providers and are a preferred provider for HBF, HCF, NIB, and CBHS. We also have a HICAPS machine for easy and fast claims.


Frequently Asked Questions

Often, people don’t realise they grind their teeth at night. However, certain effects of bruxism may indicate that you have this condition:

  • Broken, chipped, or fractured teeth
  • Your tooth enamel has been worn away, revealing the deeper layers inside
  • Loose teeth
  • Cracked fillings or crowns
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Dental pain
  • Muscle pain around the jaw or facial pain
  • Locked jaw
  • Neck, shoulder, and ear pain
  • Headaches
  • Bleeding on the inside of the cheek or gums
  • Scraping and grinding sounds during sleep
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Feeling tired upon waking up, even when you have slept enough

Factors contributing to bruxism include physical, psychological, genetic, and psychosocial factors:

  • Stress and Anxiety:
    Teeth grinding can be caused by increased stress and anxiety. The grinding gets worse as tension and anxiety levels grow. When a person is worried, they are more prone to grinding their teeth. Fortunately, once the source of the problem is identified, most symptoms of patients with bruxism go away. Anger, irritation, or tension may also contribute to the development of bruxism.

  • Medication:
    Many clinical case reports describe the appearance of bruxism as a side effect of many medications. A number of second-generation antidepressants are prone to causing or exacerbating bruxism, followed by antipsychotics or bupropion.

  • Sleep Disorders:
    Snoring and sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), are associated with sleep bruxism. It is difficult for OSA patients to breathe at night, and causes fatigue from disrupted sleep.

  • Neurological Disorders:
    Bruxism is more common in people with neurological illnesses such as anoxic encephalopathy, Rett syndrome, and cerebellar hemorrhage. The people with idiopathic cranial dystonia are more likely to grind their teeth more than others. This neurological disorder results in abnormal movements of the orolingual-facial muscles. These movements are like those of teeth grinding.

  • Genes:
    Bruxism may be influenced by genetics. Teeth grinding is often hereditary and influenced by neurotransmitter levels. According to the evidence, increased hormone levels or polymorphisms in specific genes may affect family members. Morphisms have been proven to influence neurotransmitters such as serotonin (often experienced by those who grind their teeth).

  • Lifestyle:
    Teeth grinding is often made worse by various lifestyle factors. The list includes alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, and ecstasy use, as well as consuming too much caffeine, such as six cups of tea or coffee per day.

  • Dental Malocclusion:
    Another possible cause of bruxism could be misaligned teeth. However, the issue is still debatable among dental clinicians and researchers. Some think that bruxism aggravates malocclusion, while others feel malocclusion is caused by tooth grinding.

Often, treatment is not necessary. Many children outgrow bruxism without any treatment, and most adults do not grind or clench their teeth to the point where therapy is required. On the other hand, severe bruxism, or excessive teeth grinding, can cause issues with your teeth, jaw joints, and jaw muscles if left untreated. It can cause discomfort, tooth fractures, headaches, and TMJ disorder, which affects the jaw joints and surrounding muscles and ligaments, making chewing difficult and limiting range of motion. Patients with bruxism usually seek therapy when their pain spreads to their temples or ears or when a dentist discovers abnormal wear patterns on their teeth that are consistent with repeated mashing. Schedule an appointment with one of our friendly dentists at Maylands Dental Centre so that we can evaluate your condition and determine the best possible solution.

To prevent sleep bruxism, avoid smoking, taking drugs, and drinking alcohol. They can exacerbate teeth grinding. Regular dental visits are recommended. Your dentist can treat teeth grinding problems as soon as possible so long-term damage is avoided. A misaligned mouth or crooked teeth may also require teeth realignment to prevent bruxism.

Dental care approaches to treating dental bruxism include:

  1. Custom-fitted bruxism mouthguard and night guard:
    These guards are designed to protect your teeth from the pressure of grinding and clenching. They also reduce the noise associated with these actions. Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth. This is so that a dental technician can create a mouth guard or occlusal splint custom-fitted to your mouth.

  2. Botox treatment for bruxism:
    Botox can be an effective treatment for bruxism. The procedure involves a series of Botox injections into the targeted muscles responsible for clenching and grinding. This can reduce muscle activity, leading to less grinding and clenching. It’s a minimally invasive procedure and can provide relief, especially in severe cases.

  3. Orthodontic treatment with Invisalign:
    Invisalign aligns your teeth while providing protection against grinding. It can alleviate jaw pain, too. Your dentist will use X-rays, scans, and photos to create a 3D treatment plan. Your customised aligners are then created based on this plan.

  4. Dental crown:
    If the surfaces of your teeth are damaged due to clenching and grinding, you might need dental crowns. The standard procedure generally requires two visits. During the first visit, we prepare your teeth and take impressions. These impressions are then used to create your crowns. You might receive a temporary crown during treatment. On your next visit, the custom crown is fitted after removing the temporary one.

  5. Referral for stress or anxiety:
    If stress or anxiety causes your bruxism, we will refer you to a suitable health practitioner.

Bruxism treatment at Maylands Dental Centre may vary to cater to specific needs. The cost of each treatment is as follows:

  1. Custom-fitted mouthguards and night guards:
    Custom mouthguards start at $250, while night guards (splints) start at $650. The actual cost may vary based on the complexity of your dental profile and the materials used.

  2. Botox for clenching and grinding:
    This treatment starts at $500 and may vary depending on the specific treatment plan. The treatment plan is tailored to each patient’s specific needs, considering the severity of their bruxism and their overall dental health. The number of injections depends on the severity of the bruxism and the size of the muscles being managed.

  3. Invisalign:
    Invisalign treatments are priced between $1,500 and $3,750 per arch. The factors that influence the cost include the severity of your teeth misalignment and the duration of the treatment.

  4. Dental crowns:
    Prices begin at $1,800. The final cost is influenced by the number of crowns needed and the materials selected.

Maylands Dental Centre offers a comprehensive range of treatments for bruxism. Each of these treatments is tailored to meet the unique needs and conditions of individual patients. The pricing structure reflects the customisation and quality of care needed to provide appropriate treatment for patients’ specific dental challenges.

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