Are There Restrictions During Dental Implant Recovery?

Are There Restrictions During Dental Implant Recovery? By Maylands Dental Centre | December 2, 2022

Are There Restrictions During Dental Implant Recovery?

Missing teeth can cause many problems. Not only do they make it hard to chew and speak properly, but they can also lead to other health issues. If you’re missing teeth, you should consider replacing them as soon as possible.

Dental implants are a viable tooth replacement option. They are artificial tooth roots surgically implanted into the jawbone to replace natural tooth roots. Once in place, dental implants can be used to support dental crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Dental implant surgery is a common procedure that many patients undergo every year. Suppose you are scheduled to have implants placed in your mouth. In that case, it is important to know the restrictions after dental implant surgery and understand the process of recovering from dental implant surgery.

In this blog post, we will discuss what you need to adhere to after a dental implant procedure. We hope this information helps you prepare for your surgery and aids in a smooth and speedy recovery. Read on to learn more!

What Happens During Dental Implant Surgery?

Dental implants replace tooth roots with metal, screw-like posts, which provide a foundation for the artificial tooth. The surgery itself is relatively simple and straightforward. The surgical procedure usually takes an hour, although some patients may require more than one surgical appointment.

Dental implant surgery is a multi-step process. Here is what happens.

patient has a consultation in dental clinic

Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation phase of dental implant surgery, the first step is to assess the patient. This will involve a thorough examination of the teeth and gums. Dental x-rays and other imaging may also be taken. Based on the consultation findings, once it is determined that the patient is suited for dental implants, the dentist will develop a personalised treatment plan.


During this step, the site is prepared for surgery. This may involve the extraction of the damaged tooth, bone grafting, sinus lift, and gum grafts. Each procedure is designed to create a strong foundation for dental implants so that they can be successfully placed and may function just like natural teeth.

Implant Installation

Dental implant placement is a fairly quick procedure and can be done under local anaesthesia in most cases.

During the implant installation stage, the dentist will make an incision to expose the bone beneath your gum tissue. Then, a small hole will be drilled into the bone to accommodate the metal post of the dental implant.

Next, the dental implant will be inserted into the hole and secured with screws or similar fasteners. Once the dental implant is in place, your surgeon will close the incision with stitches.


The osseointegration period refers to when the bone and implant start to fuse, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. This also serves as a healing period of the initial surgery. Once osseointegration is complete, the next phase of dental implant surgery can begin.

Abutment Placement

The abutment is a small connector piece that will hold your new dental crown in place. The abutment is placed after the implant site has healed and the implant is secure and stable.

Placing the abutment is relatively quicker than implant placement. First, the dentist will make a small incision in the gums to expose the implant. Then, the abutment will be attached to the implant before the gums are sutured closed.

The entire procedure usually takes less than an hour to perform. Afterwards, it will take several weeks for the gums to heal around the implant abutment. Once they have healed, the dental prosthetic can be placed on the abutment.

Dental Prosthesis Placement

The goal of the dental prosthesis placement phase is to attach the artificial tooth (or teeth) to the implant. The prosthesis can be a dental crown, bridge, or denture.

During this phase, the surgeon will place the prosthesis onto the implants. Once the prosthesis is in place, the surgeon will check that it is secure, that there is no pain or discomfort, and that the bite is comfortable.

After the dental prosthesis placement phase is complete, the patient will be able to eat, drink, and speak as normal. The dentist will also provide post-surgical instructions to make recovering from dental implant surgery as comfortable as possible.

How Long Does a Dental Implant Surgery Take?

Dental implant surgery is a procedure that usually takes one to two hours. This timeframe can be extended if the patient is having multiple implants placed or if other dental procedures are being performed at the same time.

The length of the surgery will also depend on the type of dental implants being used. Traditional dental implants require a longer surgery time than mini dental implants.

In most cases, dental implant surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning patients can go home the same day as their surgery. The average recovery time from dental implant surgery usually takes several weeks, and patients must avoid eating hard or crunchy foods during this time. Once the dental implants have healed, they will provide a long-term solution for missing teeth.

What Are The Things I Should Avoid While Recovering from Dental Implant Surgery?

Recovering from dental implant surgery is a process that requires time and careful attention to detail. We advise that you avoid certain things during the recovery process for faster healing time.

Here are six restrictions after dental implant surgery that you should be aware of:

  1. There are dietary restrictions. Avoid eating hard or chewy foods for at least two weeks after surgery. This will help prevent excessive bleeding and swelling. Instead of solid foods, a soft diet is recommended. Also, avoid spicy foods and sticky foods.
  2. Avoid hot foods and beverages for the first 24-48 hours. Instead, stick to a cold and soft diet. Cold is needed to constrict your blood vessels and stop the bleeding. Eating hot and cold beverages can cause the opening of the blood vessels and bleeding. 
  3. Avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol can thin your blood, making you prone to bleeding. It can slow the healing process and lead to implant failure.
  4. Avoid smoking. Smoking can delay healing and increase the risk of infection in the oral tissues. Better oral health can be achieved if you quit smoking.
  5. Avoid brushing or flossing excessively near the surgical site for at least two weeks after surgery. This can irritate delicate tissues and cause bleeding.
  6. Avoid playing contact sports or engaging in other strenuous activities for at least four weeks after surgery to prevent trauma and excessive surgical site bleeding.

Following post-surgical instructions from an implant specialist will help you recover from dental implant surgery quickly and without complication.

dentist patient looking herself to the mirror in a clinic next to a dentist

How Can I Recover Faster After Implant Surgery?

The recovery period after dental implant surgery takes a few weeks to a month. However, you can do a few things to help make recovery quicker and more comfortable.

Here are four tips for recovering from implant surgery:

  1. Follow all post-surgical instructions. This includes taking medication as prescribed, using ice packs and avoiding straws or hard foods. Sucking through a straw can dislodge the blood clot from the implant site, which can cause bleeding.
  2. Eat soft foods and stay hydrated. Stick to soft foods for the first few days after surgery to minimise discomfort and avoid disturbing the surgical site. It is also important to stay hydrated after surgery to help your body heal properly.
  3. Take it easy. Avoid strenuous activity for at least a week after surgery to give your body time to recover.
  4. Keep your mouth clean. Practice good oral hygiene. Gently brush your teeth twice daily and rinse with salt water or warm water to keep the surgical site clean. This can help remove food particles stuck inside your mouth and prevent infection. 

Keep these tips in mind, and soon enough, you will be on your way to a smooth recovery period.

What Will Happen If I Fail To Follow My Dentist's Instructions After Implant Surgery?

Recovering from dental implant surgery is a process, and following your dentist’s post-surgical instructions is important for a successful recovery. If you fail to follow these instructions, you may experience problems with your dental implants, including infection, inflammation, and pain.

Failure to follow your dentist’s instructions can delay your recovery and cause additional discomfort. In severe cases, failing to follow post-surgical instructions can result in the loss of your dental implant. Therefore, it is essential that you closely follow all of your dentist’s instructions after implant surgery.

Final Thoughts

If you are considering dental implants, it’s important to understand that the success of the dental implant procedure is also affected by your actions during the recovery period. 

Our team at Maylands Dental Centre will take the time to assess your situation and plan accordingly. The surgery is technique-sensitive, but our team has a great deal of experience performing these procedures.

And finally, post-operative care is critical to the overall success of your dental implant treatment. We encourage you to book an appointment through our website or call us today so we can discuss your specific needs and help you get started on the road to a beautiful smile!

Frequently Asked questions

It is important to rest the day after implant surgery, as your body needs time to heal. However, you can still engage in light activities like walking or stretching to keep your circulation going. Speak with an implant specialist about what exercise might be appropriate following oral surgery.

Dental implants are designed to last for decades. But this depends on the quality of care you provide. It is important to follow your dentist’s instructions for post-surgery care and visit them regularly for checkups and cleanings. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Despite their high success rates, dental implants also come with risks of nerve damage, dental implant failure, sinus infections, and many more.

The cost of dental implants is largely due to the time, skill, and effort required for their success. Dental implant surgery is a complex procedure that requires the expertise of an experienced dental practitioner and surgeon. Additionally, the materials used in dental implants are expensive, as they are made of titanium which is biocompatible and durable.

Finally, you may also need to factor in any additional costs associated with the restoration of the implant, such as dentures, bridges or crowns. Sometimes, a bone graft procedure will be required if you have inadequate bone density. All of these costs can add up quickly, making dental implants a costly dental procedure.

Some insurance companies may cover a portion of the cost of your dental implant procedure. However, each insurance plan is different, and you should contact your insurance provider to determine the exact coverage. Many insurance companies will only cover the procedure itself and not any associated costs.

Also, some insurance providers may consider dental implants a cosmetic procedure and will not cover any costs. Some insurance providers may also require a referral from your general dentist before providing coverage for the procedure.

To get the most out of your insurance coverage, thoroughly explore all available options. A dental specialist may be able to provide you with helpful advice on which coverage will be most beneficial for you. Additionally, remember to compare the costs of different insurance providers and choose the one that fits your needs.

Maylands Dental Centre
Maylands Dental Centre
Content published on is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any decision based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent medical advice from a professional or independently research and verify any information that you find on our Website and wish to rely upon.

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