Can Anyone Get Dental Implants? Find Out Who Are the Good Candidates

Can Anyone Get Dental Implants? Find Out Who Are the Good Candidates By Maylands Dental Centre | August 7, 2022

If you’ve ever considered dental implants as an option for replacing missing teeth, you may be wondering if they’re right for you.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss who are the good candidates for dental implants and why they make a great option for restoring your beautiful smile.

So, whether you’re already interested in getting dental implants or are just curious about them, read on to learn more!

What Are Dental Implants?

untitled design (29)Dental implants are artificial tooth roots placed in your jaw to hold replacement teeth in place. These metal posts are made from titanium and other materials compatible with the human body.

Unlike dentures, dental implants are fixed. The replacement tooth roots fuse to your jawbone over time, making them a strong foundation for supporting replacement teeth. The different parts of a dental implant are:

  • The implant, which is a small titanium post that acts as a tooth root
  • The abutment, which is a connector piece used to attach the implant to the replacement tooth
  • The crown, which is the visible portion of the replacement tooth

Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, allowing you to eat and speak normally. There are two different forms of dental implants. They are:

  • Endosteal implants:
    These are the most common type of dental implants. They’re placed in your jawbone.
  • Subperiosteal implants:
    This form of implant is placed on top of your jawbone, which is rarely used anymore.

Patients have several dental implant options depending on their needs. The different types include:

  • Single Tooth Implant:
    A single tooth implant is just that—one implant to replace one tooth. This option is ideal for someone who is missing a single tooth or has a tooth that is damaged beyond repair.
  • Implant-Supported Bridge:
    An implant-supported bridge is usually used to replace multiple missing teeth. The bridge is supported by two dental implants placed on either side of the gap left by the missing teeth.
  • All-on-X Dental Implants:
    All-on-X dental implants are a type of implant-supported denture. This option is ideal for patients who are missing all of their teeth. The implants are placed in the jawbone and support a full set of dentures.
  • 3-on-6 Dental Implants:
    3-on-6 dental implants are a type of implant-supported denture. This option is ideal for patients who are missing all of their teeth. This type is an alternative to full dentures and consists of six implants that support three bridges.

With many types to choose from, dental implants are an excellent option to replace missing or damaged teeth brought about by various factors.

When Are Dental Implants Necessary?

Dental implants are often considered a strictly for cosmetics, but there are many instances where they are necessary to address dental problems. They can be used:

  • To replace missing teeth.
    When a person has a tooth that is missing, several dental problems may arise. These include gum disease, TMJ disorder, an increased risk of tooth decay, changes in the alignment of the teeth, and chewing and speaking difficulties.

    Dental implants can help address these dental problems by replacing the missing tooth. They fuse with the jawbone and act like your natural teeth.
  • To support dental prosthetics.
    When a person loses all of their teeth, they will need some form of dental prosthetic. Dental implants can also be used to support teeth replacements such as partial dentures, full dentures, and bridges.
  • To help preserve bone in the jaw.
    When a tooth is lost, the jawbone begins to deteriorate. This process is accelerated by chewing and other forms of dental stress.

    Dental implants fuse with the bone, providing support and preventing further deterioration. They stimulate the jawbone to continue growing. As a result, they can help preserve your natural smile and prevent bone loss in the jaw.
  • To help preserve the health of surrounding teeth.
    By filling in the gaps left by missing teeth, dental implants can help prevent the shifting of adjacent teeth, which can lead to an improper bite.

    While dental implants offer many benefits, unfortunately, not everyone is considered suitable to undergo dental implant surgery. So, it’s important to have a comprehensive assessment by a skilled dentist.

Who Are the Best Candidates for Dental Implant Procedure?

Dental implants generally have a high success rate- but this is not always the case. Implant failure is always a possibility. To minimise the risk, dentists make it a point to thoroughly screen patients to determine eligibility.

Dentists examine a patient’s suitability for dental implants based on several criteria. These are:

  • Age:
    The minimum age requirement for dental implants is 18 years old. This is because the jawbone is not yet fully developed in younger patients, which may lead to implant failure.
  • Health:
    The best candidates for dental implant procedures are medically fit adults with healthy gums who have lost teeth due to injury, disease, or decay.
  • Oral hygiene:
    Good oral hygiene is necessary for the success of dental implants. Dentists will carefully examine a patient’s teeth and gums to ensure they are able to support implants.
  • Lifestyle:
    Candidates should be committed to good oral hygiene and be willing to undergo regular dental visits for check-ups and regular cleanings. Smoking can also interfere with healing after dental implant surgery, so patients who smoke may be less ideal candidates for dental implants.
  • Jaw bone:
    Candidates should also have a sufficient bone density in the jaw to support the implant. This is one of the main concerns of people with bone loss. If this criterion is not met, a bone grafting procedure may be recommended.

Can You Get Dental Implants With Bone Loss?

untitled design (30)Knowing that bone density is one of the criteria for good implant candidates, you may wonder if dental implants can be placed in people with bone loss. Yes, it is still possible. However, the amount of bone loss will determine whether or not dental implants are an option.

If there is severe bone loss, dental implants may be contraindicated. This is because there needs to be sufficient bone mass for the implant to fuse. Without this, the dental implant will not be stable and is more likely to fail.
In cases of moderate bone loss, the dentist may recommend dental bone grafting or a sinus lift to provide additional support for the dental implant.

A bone graft is a procedure where new bone is transplanted into the jaw to help promote healing and regeneration. Once the new bone has had time to grow and fuse with the existing bone, dental implants can then be placed.

Aside from the severe bone loss, there are other reasons why dental implants may not be recommended for some people.

Reasons Why Dental Implants May Not Be Your Best Option

The following are some of the factors that can make someone unsuitable for dental implants:

  • Taking certain medications:
    People who take certain medications, such as steroids or bisphosphonates, may not be good candidates for dental implants. These can lead to infection and interfere with the body’s ability to heal, which is essential for the success of dental implants.
  • Smoking:
    Smoking can affect your immune system and make it challenging to recover and heal quickly after implant surgery.
  • Having underlying chronic conditions:
    Conditions such as autoimmune disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and heart disease can lead to implant complications. These conditions can impede healing time and increase the risk of infection.
  • Having inadequate jawbone mass:
    Dental implants rely on an adequate bone structure for support. If someone has insufficient bone density, they may not be able to support dental implants. To help with this problem, bone grafting can be done.
  • Having poor lifestyle habits:
    People who drink excessive amounts of alcohol are also not good candidates for dental implants. This habit can lead to dental implant failure or other complications.
  • An ongoing periodontal disease:
    Active gum disease can cause the gums to shrink away from the teeth, making it difficult to place dental implants.
  • Poor oral health and hygiene:
    Having good oral hygiene habits is essential for dental implant success. If this is not prioritised, gum disease, failed osseointegration and infection can occur, which causes implants to fail.

Risks Associated With Dental Implants

Like any dental procedure, dental implants do come with some risks. Here are some of the most common risks associated with dental implants:

  • Infection
    Infection is a common risk that occurs at the implant site or in the surrounding tissue. Symptoms of infection include redness, swelling, and pain. If left unmanaged, an infection can lead to bone loss and damage to the implant.
  • Nerve Damage
    Another risk associated with dental implants is nerve damage. This can occur if the implant placement is too close to a nerve in your jaw. Symptoms of nerve damage include numbness, tingling, or pain in your gums, teeth, or jaw. In rare cases, nerve damage can be permanent and may cause long-term complications.
  • Damage to Adjacent Teeth
    Dental implants can cause tissue damage and harm to adjacent teeth because the metal rod can rub against them, wearing down the enamel and causing dental decay. In addition, dental implants can make it difficult to clean the adjacent teeth properly, increasing the risk for tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Implant Rejection
    In some cases, your body may reject the dental implant. This usually occurs due to an allergy to the materials used in the implant or an infection at the implant site. Symptoms of implant rejection include pain, swelling, and redness at the implant site. If left untreated, rejection can lead to bone loss and damage to the implant.

Despite the risks mentioned above, dental implant surgery continues to be a favoured dental procedure because of its high chances of success. Your dentist will assess your condition, so these can be minimised.

Success Rates of Dental Implants

Dental implants boast a high success rate (95%) and can last for many years with proper care. This means that for every 100 dental implants placed, only 5 will fail, making them an incredibly reliable option for tooth replacement.

But what exactly does this success rate mean?

For dental implants to be considered successful, they must be able to fuse to the jawbone and function just like natural teeth. While dental implants can occasionally fail, this is usually due to factors such as inadequate oral hygiene or smoking.

So, if you’re considering dental implants, you can be confident knowing they offer a high success rate.

Are There Alternatives to Dental Implants?

If dental implants are one of your options, you might be wondering if there are other choices. While dental implants are considered the ideal replacement for missing teeth, there are a few alternatives.

Dental Bridges
One of these is dental bridges. Bridges can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, and they are supported by the natural teeth on either side of the gap. However, bridges can sometimes lead to further tooth loss, as they put extra pressure on the supporting teeth.

Another alternative to dental implants is dentures. Dentures are complete sets of false teeth, and they can be used to replace all of the teeth in a single arch or both.

While dentures are usually less expensive than dental implants, their lifespan is shorter, and they can be uncomfortable to wear. Additionally, dentures can make it difficult to eat certain foods and can slip out of place when speaking or laughing if they don’t fit well.

Dental implants and their alternatives can significantly improve your ability to chew and speak, as well as your overall quality of life. A dentist can assess your individual needs and recommend the best course of treatment for you.

Final Thoughts

If you’re considering dental implants, it’s important to consult a qualified dentist to learn more about the procedure, and the cost and to know if you’re a good candidate.

While dental implants are a safe and effective way to replace missing teeth, they’re not right for everyone. Several alternatives to dental implants may be more suitable for you, depending on your needs and preferences.

At Maylands Dental Centre, we can help you determine if dental implants are the right treatment option for you. We offer various tooth replacement treatment options, including implants, so that you can find the procedure for your needs. Please book an appointment online or call us today at (08) 9515 4804 to learn more about our services.

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Maylands Dental Centre
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