Can Wisdom Teeth Fall Out Naturally?

Can Wisdom Teeth Fall Out Naturally? By Maylands Dental Centre | July 7, 2022

Can Wisdom Teeth Fall Out Naturally?

If you’re like most people, you probably have at least one friend or family member who has had their wisdom teeth removed. Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure, and for good reason – these teeth can cause numerous problems if they aren’t removed.

But what if you could avoid the hassle and expense of surgery by allowing your wisdom teeth to simply fall out on their own? Is that even possible?

In this post, we’ll explore the natural process of wisdom tooth extraction and find out whether it’s something that can happen to you. Keep reading to learn more!

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to appear. Most people get it in their late teens or early twenties.

Unlike other adult teeth, they don’t have a specific function and are often removed because they can crowd or damage adjacent teeth. It can also be difficult to properly clean wisdom teeth, which can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

In some cases, wisdom teeth may erupt without causing any problems. However, when they grow in at an angle or become impacted (stuck beneath the gums), they may need to be removed.

At What Age Do People Get Wisdom Teeth?

There is no one answer to the question of when wisdom teeth come in because it varies from person to person. Some people may get their wisdom teeth as early as age 17, while others may not get them until they are in their early twenties. In rare cases, wisdom teeth may not come in until a person is in their thirties or forties.

The age at which wisdom teeth come in is determined by a variety of factors, including genetics and family history. For example, if your parents or siblings got their wisdom teeth early, you may be more likely to get them at a younger age.

While there is no definitive answer to the question of when wisdom teeth come in, it’s important to be prepared for them whenever they might appear.

Does Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?


Many people believe that wisdom teeth are a vestigial product of evolution and that our ancestors had these large molars in order to grind down tough plant material.

However, wisdom teeth are relatively recent to the human mouth. They first appeared about 2.5 million years ago, and their prevalence has been increasing ever since.

But not everyone develops wisdom teeth. In fact, wisdom teeth are missing in about 35% of people. Some people only develop one wisdom tooth or two wisdom teeth instead of the usual four.

The reasons for this aren’t fully understood, but it seems that wisdom teeth are a throwback to our earlier ancestors. Our jaws were much larger back then, which meant that we needed more teeth to chew our food properly.

However, as our diets have changed and evolved, our jaws have become smaller. As a result, wisdom teeth are now more likely to become impacted (that is, stuck in the jaw bone and unable to break through the gum line), rendering our third molars practically unneeded.

So, if you’re wondering whether you’ll develop wisdom teeth, there’s no easy answer. It really varies from person to person.

How Do You Know if Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming Out?

If you’re wondering how to tell if your wisdom teeth are erupting, here are a few signs to look out for:

  • You feel pressure in your jaw or pain in your ear. This is caused by the wisdom tooth pushing on the nerves as it comes in.
  • You have trouble opening your mouth fully. This can be due to wisdom teeth crowding the other teeth and making it difficult to open wide.
  • You can see the wisdom tooth poking through the gum. Sometimes wisdom teeth come in without any issue, but if they’re at an angle, you may see them poking through the gum.
  • You have swollen gums. When wisdom teeth are coming in, the gum around them can become swollen and painful.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s best to consult a dentist to see if your wisdom teeth are growing in and whether or not they need to be removed.

Can Wisdom Teeth Fall Out Naturally?

Wisdom teeth falling out on their own very rarely happens. This is because the wisdom tooth is held in place and protected by the jaw bones.

People with severe cases of bone loss and gum disease may feel their wisdom teeth loosen. In such conditions, the teeth have the potential to fall out on their own.

However, keep in mind that this is a rarity. Most wisdom teeth require major dental surgery in order to be removed.

Why Does Wisdom Teeth Become Loose?

When there is severe gum disease and bone loss surrounding the wisdom tooth, this may cause the tooth to become loose. Bacteria dissolves the jawbone tissue, which supports the wisdom tooth. Because it is no longer supported, it can feel loose.

Significant bone loss may cause the wisdom tooth to eventually fall out of its socket. While this is a rare occurrence, it does happen, especially when a person has severe periodontal disease.

In rare cases, a dental cavity can penetrate the third molar’s nerve, causing infection. A spreading infection can cause bone loss, resulting in a loose tooth. A loose wisdom tooth may still need removal.

What Is Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Wisdom tooth removal is a procedure that is typically performed by a qualified dentist. It is a relatively simple and safe procedure. Complications from surgery are rare but can include bleeding, nerve damage, dry socket, gum infection, and bone damage, as well as damage to the surrounding teeth.

In most cases, wisdom teeth are removed inside dental clinics as an outpatient procedure; An overnight stay in the hospital is not required. Here’s what you can expect to happen during a wisdom tooth removal:

  1. The area will be numbed with local anesthesia so you will remain comfortable for the entire procedure.
  2. To expose your wisdom tooth, your dentist makes an incision in the gum tissue.
  3. The tooth is removed one piece at a time or broken into smaller pieces. Your dentist will ensure that no tooth fragments are left behind during the extraction process.
  4. Once the extraction is complete, your dentist will close your incision with sutures and clean the area.

It normally takes 60-90 minutes to complete the procedure. Stitches may be required in some cases, but the stitches will dissolve on their own after 7 to 10 days.

The healing and recovery process varies from person to person. However, after wisdom tooth removal surgery, it’s important to avoid hard and chewy foods, acidic foods and drinks, and spicy foods. Stick to soft foods the first few days after the procedure.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Always Necessary?


Wisdom teeth removal is a controversial topic. Some people argue that it is always necessary, while others contend that it is not.

For some people, wisdom teeth come in without any problems and fit well with the rest of their teeth. However, not everyone is as fortunate.

Wisdom teeth can cause problems. While they can sometimes fall out naturally, it is a very rare occurrence. Your dentist may still recommend removal.

Removal is typically recommended if they do not erupt properly or if they become impacted, meaning that they grow in sideways, if they grow at an angle, or if they are causing painful symptoms or other problems like an infected wisdom tooth.

Ultimately, wisdom teeth removal is a personal decision. It is a surgery, and there are always risks involved. It is important to weigh the risks and benefits before making a decision.

What Happens to An Infected Wisdom Tooth?

When a wisdom tooth becomes infected, it can be extremely painful. The intense pain can radiate to the ear, jaw, and neck. It can also make it difficult to open your mouth wide. The infection is usually caused by harmful bacteria that enter the tooth through a crack or cavity.

If the infected wisdom tooth is not removed, the infection may spread to the surrounding gum, bone tissue, and adjacent teeth. If left untreated, an infected wisdom tooth can lead to serious complications, such as an abscess or osteomyelitis (an infection of the bone).

In severe cases, the bacterial infection may even spread to other parts of the body, such as the blood and brain.

Treatment for an infected wisdom tooth typically involves a course of antibiotics and/or surgery to remove the tooth. Sometimes, a root canal treatment may also be necessary to save the tooth.

Final Thoughts

Wisdom teeth extractions may seem daunting, but they are an important step in preventing and addressing all of the potential complications of wisdom teeth growth. In rare cases, wisdom teeth may fall out on their own, but it’s always best to consult your dentist to determine if an extraction is necessary.

Talk to one of the dental experts from Maylands Dental Centre to schedule an evaluation of your wisdom teeth before they affect your oral health and general well-being.

Book a dentist appointment via our website or call Maylands Dental Centre at (08) 9515 4804 today to get started!

Maylands Dental Centre
Maylands Dental Centre
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